Monday, 30 November 2020

Significance of the Titles of Three Indian English Novels

Significance of the title ‘Cat and Shakespeare’ by Raja Rao.

Cat and Shakespeare was first published in 1959 with the title ‘The Cat’ in Chelsea Review, New York. ‘Shakespeare’ was added in the revised edition in 1965 as an afterthought. The novel explores the relationship between Govindan Nair-a spiritual guide-and Ramakrishna Pai, his disciple. The relation between the two is parallel to the relation between a mother cat and kitten. As per Indian tradition, a disciple has to surrender himself or herself before the mentor in order to be guided by him. In this process, the disciple feels ecstasy just like a kitten experiences absolute joy when the mother holds it by the neck. Though modern man is suspicious of submitting oneself before another human, Indian tradition encourages such acts of obedience. The way a mother cat holds a kitten by the neck is different from the way a big cat holds its prey by the neck. In the first case, the kitten is completely safe whereas in the latter big cats tear off the neck of the prey. The second part of the title ‘Shakespeare’ may represent the mastery over the illusory life of the physical world. The understanding of the real nature of the physical universe as illusory is a key step in a disciple’s journey to realisation. Only spiritually awakened humans are capable of experiencing divine grace and forgiveness. In the last plays of Shakespeare such as The Tempest, the all forgiving Prospero reconciles with his brother who usurped his dukedom.  The ‘The Mousetrap’ episode and the soliloquy ‘to be or not to be’ in Hamlet also finds reference in the novel.

2.     Significance of the title Cry, the Peacock by Anita Desai.

The title of the novel Cry, the Peacock refers to the cry and dance of the bird. The cry of peacock implies intense act of love making and its tryst with life and death. Peacocks are believed to have involved in the dance of life in the end of which they die. Maya lingers on the prediction of the astrologer and is obsessed with thoughts of death. The death cry of the peacocks triggers thoughts of death and intensifies her passion for life.  It is believed that like bees, peahen kills peacock after sexual intercourse. The novel narrates the complex relationship between Maya and Gautam and at the end, Maya kills Gautam.

3.     Significance of the title Serpent and the Rope by Raja Rao.

The title of the novel is taken from a story narrated by Sankaracharya. The snake in the title refers to ‘illusion’ and the rope stands for ‘reality’. Just like we mistake a rope in the dark as a snake, common people mistakes this illusory physical world as real and fails to see the real nature of the universe. The novel narrates the journey of Ramaswamy to enlightenment which equips him to understand reality. One of the most complex and exquisite novels in Indian English novels, Serpent and the Rope is a metaphysical work in which Eastern philosophy meets the Western.

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