Professor Kuppuswsamisastri establishes the synthesis between law and liberty and this synthesis is achieved by the judicious use of the elements of Vyanjana (suggestion). The concept of Vyanjana explains how meaning expands far beyond the literal sense. The language of poetry is different from the language of ordinary discourse; It is characterized by “suppression in expression”. Beauty in literature is best generated by the technique of Vyanjana or the suggested meaning. The secret of the force of the charm is that there is an element of novelty in Vyanjana, Some sort of intellectual quest which leads to some conquest and finally creates interest. Vyanjana, essentially an artistic process of expression, is not a worldly process. it is not ‘Laukika’,It is ‘Alaukika’. It involves suppression and gives the readers delight. It is extraordinary or unique. Hence it is ‘Lokottara'. The language of poetry is different from that of ordinary discourse. It is characterized by Vyanjana which adds beauty and glory to the poem. Anandavardhana, therefore regarded Vyanjana as the central principle of art criticism.
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