I bet there are not many people who enjoyed reading The Modern Language Association handbook (MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Project) during their research documentation. Whenever I suggest to follow the guidelines of the handbook, students hesitate. They find the dusty, dull pages of the book alien and unfriendly. It is a hard task for all graduates to document their writings as per the detailed guidelines given in the handbook. Since the book is prepared for global research communities, students often feel the writing format disengaging.The over concern of external viva examiners on the writing format and the nuances of documentation make research an unfriendly business nobody wants to talk about. The size of the book , its traditional outlook and the mechanical tone keep graduates at bay. The timely updating of the guideline also contribute to the woes of learners. In addition to this, many of our students are unaware of the research documentation till the last year of their studies. A student edition of the handbook is also unavailable.
The online resource center The Purdue Online Writing Lab can provide easy and timely reference to our students/researchers. The layout and design of the website is very attractive. It provides quick access to the content and is timely updated. All the major sections of the MLA style guide is given in the sidebar. The style guide is narrated in an engaging manner and suitable examples are added.
Major subtitles
Works cited: Basic Format
Works Cited: Books
Works Cited:Periodicals
Works Cited: Electronic Resources
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