Saturday, 8 September 2012

List of scholarly journals on English language and Literature

last month

I was asked to prepare a list of scholarly journals on English Language and Literature. Though the internet provided me with afew titles, I found it hard to collect subscription details of some of the major journals. Since the librarian insisted, I called, mailed and verified the details available.

Here are the five major scholarly journals I have selected with complete subscription details. Hope, I will be able to post afew more soon. They are yet to be confirmed by the publishers.

Name of the Journal
DD Address
Indian Literature
Sahitya Akademy, Central College Building, Dr. Ambedkar Veethi, Bangalore 560001
1 year- 250, 3 years- 650
Sahitya Akademy, Bangalore
The Atlantic Literary Review
The Subscription Division, Atlantic Publishers and Distributors (p) ltd, B-2, Vishal Enclave, Opp. Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, 110027, India
Ind- 1500, inst-2700
Atlantic Publishers and Distributors (p) ltd
The Secretary, Women's Initiatives, PB No. 1162, Pattom Palace PO, TVM 695004
RS 500/-
The Secretary, Women's Initiatives, PB No. 1162, Pattom Palace PO, TVM 695004
International Journal on Multicultural Literatures (IJML)
International Journal on Multicultural Literatures (IJML), Kannappilly ( HO), Thodupuza East Po, Kerala, India 685585
Rs 800/-
MO to , The Editor, Dr. K.V. Dominic,  Kannappilly ( HO), Thodupuza East Po, Kerala, India 685585
Parnassus: An Innovative Journal of literary Criticism
Dr. Nilanshu Kumar Agarwal, A-111, Aawas Vikas Colony, Indira Nagar, Rae Bareli (UP), India
Ind-200, insti-250/-
Dr. Nilanshu Kumar Agarwal payable @Rae Barali

Monday, 6 August 2012


> I am afraid of...


When the mansoon falls on my back
drumming a frenzied rhythm,
Honeying my summer cracks with her
white, foamy aerial spray

I plunge into madness,
I become what I was not.
My dry, narrow passages are washed away
by her wild spirit into the ocean.

I never step into the rain
for, her triangle submerge me in her measureless caverns
and land me on unknown territory
Where I live on the tip of delight and fall.

I know I can never break off her charms,
when she spread her fairy tassel through her smog filled day
I follow leaving a land, dream and habits
to unchristened fears

Iam afraid of the dogs,
Roaring through the monstrous day,
they will tear off the wedded bliss of the day.
and break the many coloured gem that the mansoon gifted me.

This is what the flower said to the Stormy rain.